Our specialization in the Eastern European textile machine market began in 1962. At that time, the company's founder, Friedrich Wilhelm senior, made initial contacts to well-known textile machine manufacturers. Thanks to the language skills and sociability of Mr. Wilhelm senior he succeeds to represent Dilo in the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary and Romania starting with 1997. Since 2019 Wilhelm is also the representative of Dilo in Bulgaria.

The DiloGroup is a leading provider of nonwoven production lines and includes the companies DiloTemafa, DiloSpinnbau, DiloMachines, and DiloSystems. With over 100 years of experience in machine building for nonwovens, the company has achieved a high level of customer satisfaction and trust. Since its founding in 1995, over 400 systems have been sold worldwide, including fiber preparation, carding, crosslapping, and needling machines.

The systems are tailored specifically to the needs of the customers and developed in close cooperation with them. Dilo also offers training and services ranging from commissioning to maintenance of the system.

A complete system consists of three main areas: fiber opening and blending, for which DiloTemafa is responsible; card feeding and carding, for which DiloSpinnbau is responsible; and web forming and needling, for which DiloMachines is responsible.

Needle punched nonwovens - versatile and widely applicable


Nonwoven fabrics have diverse applications, from cotton pads to geotextile reinforcement. By adjusting the fiber material and production settings, different properties can be achieved. Below you will find an overview of selected nonwoven products and their respective manufacturing processes.

Faseröffnungs- und –mischungskomponenten von DiloTemafa
Krempelspeisung und Krempelanlage von DiloSpinnbau
Vliesleger und Nadelmaschine von DiloMachines